Monday, July 9, 2012

Sanibel Island/mom, Travis visits

A few days after we landed in Florida my Mom and brother, Trevor, came out to visit us.  We had so much fun!  First we went to Steak n Shake for dinner, then woke up got ready and went to Steak n Shake again for lunch.  Seriously we love that place and there is a reason we went there 2 times in a 12 hour period.  A- Its so so good and B- Our house had too much grime to want to think about eating in it... more on that later!
Anyway we headed down to West Palm Beach to see my moms uncle and visit.  It fun to chit chat, swim and eat some good food.  Then we headed across the state to the Gulf side to Sanibel Island!  It was gorgeous and so much fun!  Really laid back too. 

 Here is Trevor and I waiting for our Virgin pina Coladas and Daquiris.  mmm mmm  Just what we needed!
 We rented bikes and toured a little bit of the island
 Here are all 3 of us.  Thanks Mom for staying behind and watching Kendyl!  :)
                                                        You never see this is Utah
                                            If this is all this guy has to worry about, then I say he has a good life! :)
 There were GIANT hibiscus flowers there!  Kendyl loved to smell them!
and.... we rented a paddleboard!  So so so much fun! 

This island is known for sea shell hunting.  We found a bunch of conch shells, sand dollars and my mom even found a 9 legged star fish!  There were dolphins at least 2-3 times a day that would just swim right by you! 

We headed back to the ranch so Jase could start work and we headed to Cocoa Beach to go to Ron Jons and enjoy the Atlantic Ocean.  This is where Trevor saw a baby shark.  Yikes!  The next day (July 3rd)  we headed to Orlando, OUTLET MALL!  we hit some good sales!  Then it was time to take them to the airport! :(   We had so much fun and I hope they get to come out again soon.  Love you guys!

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